SSANGYONG fuel consumption can be reduced

SSANGYONG FUEL ACTIVATOR — a device which is installed on a fuel hose of any SsangYong car and significantly reduces fuel consumption SsangYong by 20% and improves the engine performance. Therefore, with the same amount of fuel on your SsangYong, you will drive MORE KILOMETERS!

Activators on SSANGYONG fully pay off in 3-4 months!
The service life of Activators for SSANGYONG is 10-15 years.

reduces fuel consumption SsangYong by 20%

Activators are installed on all models of SsangYong and are used in all types of fuel — GAS, PETROL, DIESEL FUEL.

The Activators are easy to install, they are installed on the SsangYong fuel supply hose in a few minutes:

1. SsangYong fuel consumption is reduced by 20%.
2. A slight increase in the power of the SsangYong engine.
3. Extends the service life of the SsangYong engine.
4. The content of carbon monoxide and other pollutants in SsangYong exhaust gases is reduced by 30-40%.
5. Stable and dynamic operation of the SsangYong engine.
6. Reduces the formation of soot and carbon deposits on SsangYong pistons, cylinders, spark plugs, fuel injectors, catalyst and exhaust pipes.
7. Extends the service life of the SsangYong catalyst, lambda probe, spark plugs and SsangYong fuel injectors.

SsangYong ACTIVATOR reduces fuel consumption by 20%.

At the same time, the engine operation of SsangYong is significantly improved.

Exampl of installation of SsangYong.

fuel consumption ssang yong rexton
SsangYong Rexton
fuel consumption ssang yong

ANY FUEL (petrol, diesel, gas), by going through 10 magnetic fields of THESE ACTIVATORS, for a short time changes its structure and properties, and it BURNS more fully and REGULARLY.
Due to this, the SsangYong engine begins to work much BETTER.

Usually, it is already seen after 10-20 km of run of the car SsangYong which has an installed Activator.

Imagine, how your SsangYong engine works with VERY GOOD FUEL
That is, we have quite different (better) fuel.

   You agree that chopped firewood burns much better than whole logs … The same thing happens with automotive fuel in the cylinders of the SsangYong engine.

reduces fuel consumption SsangYong

fuel consumption SsangYong

Activators installed on SsangYong reduce the density and viscosity of fuel:

1. This leads to the formation of smaller fuel particles, ensures good atomization and combustion in the cylinders of the SsangYong engine.
2. The fuel ignites better and burns smoothly, ensuring soft and smokeless operation of the SsangYong engine.
3. Reduces deposits on injectors and carbon deposits on candles and SsangYong cylinders.
4. Reduces the load on the operation of SsangYong fuel supply systems.
5. Increases reliability and increases the life of SsangYong fuel equipment.

All this leads to improved conditions for fuel combustion SsangYong cylinders.

    FUEL with Activators burns more completely in the SsangYong engine, does not leave carbon deposits on pistons, cylinders and spark plugs.

     On SsangYong cars, the injectors are not polluted, and there is no black smoke even at throttling at free running.

ACTIVATOR reduces the fuel consumption of any SSANGYONG vehicle by 20%

Knowing where the fuel hoses are located, Activators at SsangYong are installed within 5 minutes (see «INSTALLATION»)

     ATTENTION! The main difference of THESE ACTIVATORS is that there are 20 magnets placed in them, which for a short time CHANGE THE STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF FUEL.    In other similar Aktivators which can be used on Ssang Yong, there are only 2 powerful magnets which are not able to change anything in the fuel (see «ANALOGUES» ).

     When you don’t like the Aktivators, then with no doubt you can return them back within 37 days (read «RETURN»).

ACTIVATOR reduces the fuel consumption of any SSANGYONG vehicle by 20%. Therefore, with the same amount of fuel on your SsangYong, you will drive MORE KILOMETERS!

The operating life is at least 15 years
We produce and sell them starting from 2008


The set of Activators (2 Activators) — 60,00 EUR

The price includes the deliver by post.


When installing on SsangYong both the Fuel combustion Activators and Activator Autothermia, FUEL CONSUMPTION is reduced by 30-40%!


(click on the image, to enlarge it)

18 Ways to Save fuel consumption SsangYong

There are a huge number of very different ways to save SsangYong fuel, most of which motorists often do not even realize. Meanwhile, following these simple tips will save the lion’s share of the budget spent on SsangYong fuel.

Method 1 — the fuel consumption SsangYong car needs to be inspected periodically

First you need to inspect the air filter by visual inspection. Such a simple operation can be done with a car of any SsangYong brand. If the working surface of the filter is noticeably dirty, this can significantly hinder the flow of air into the engine, which will cause increased SsangYong fuel consumption. It is necessary to replace the filter – this procedure takes a minimum of time and does not require professional help.

Method 2 — it is necessary to choose the right oil for fuel consumption SsangYong

It is possible to reduce SsangYong’s fuel consumption by choosing the right engine oil. During the combustion of the fuel mixture, most of the important components of the car move. With poor oil quality, strong friction occurs between the parts, which affects the increase in energy consumption, and consequently significantly increases SsangYong fuel costs. Therefore, it is so important to choose the oil without mistakes, taking into account all the details: viscosity, age of the car, features of operation.

Method 3 — Proper fuel consumption SsangYong traffic during rush hour

It is at this time that motorists often have to stand with the engine running. It is important to brake in advance when approaching a traffic light. Thus, it will be possible to come to the traffic light on the roll.

Method 4 — the style of travel is important fuel consumption SsangYong

Often, the driving style with too sudden acceleration and braking at excessive speeds (this style of driving a car is also called sports) leads to a significant increase in SsangYong fuel consumption. It is equally important to avoid increased gears when driving at low speed. It is necessary to keep the location of the tachometer needle under control.

Method 5 — you need to track the pressure in the fuel consumption SsangYong tires

Those who have been driving for years know exactly how the air pressure in the tires affects SsangYong fuel consumption. It is important to monitor the water indicator every time before a trip. The maximum pressure can be exceeded by 0.2 atm from the value recommended by the manufacturer. If the wheels are poorly inflated, the consumption of any SsangYong fuel during the trip will increase. Manufacturers always clearly regulate the level of tire pressure on the rear, front axle.

With poorly inflated wheels, there will be resistance to movement as a result — SsangYong fuel consumption will increase.

Method 6 — Monitor the status of all working fuel consumption SsangYong devices

A working air conditioning device increases SsangYong fuel consumption, which is not always justified. Working headlights, car radio, heater burn SsangYong fuel no less.

Method 7 — you can get rid of some decorative elements SsangYong

Few motorists know that individual tuning elements also reduce SsangYong’s fuel economy. So, the increased aerodynamic drag greatly increases SsangYong fuel consumption. The same applies to large spatial body kits and enlarged disks.

Method 8 — the right choice of SsangYong brand

Everyone knows that the use of expensive gasoline with a high octane number can significantly improve the dynamic characteristics of a car. At the same time, SsangYong fuel consumption is noticeably increasing. To save money, you should read the instructions of the automaker. Most likely, gasoline with the lowest octane number can be used for your car. As a rule, the older the car, the simpler the fuel (with the lowest octane number) he needs.

Method 9 — take into account the weight of the SsangYong car

The weight of the car often affects SsangYong fuel consumption. Experienced car owners know how to reduce fuel consumption by controlling the weight of the car. Cars with low weight consume fuel several times less than their heavier counterparts. At the same time, it is often enough to remove all things from the luggage compartment in order to reduce SsangYong’s fuel consumption, thereby reducing the weight of the car.

Method 10 — choose a manual transmission SsangYong instead of an automatic one

If you are determined to reduce SsangYong fuel consumption, choose a car with a manual transmission. automatic usually increases SsangYong fuel consumption by at least 15 percent.

Method 11 — Refuse to ventilate the SsangYong

Those who like to open windows while driving for better ventilation of the cabin, it is necessary to take into account that this creates additional resistance to movement. As a result of this overcoming of aerodynamic drag, the motor requires additional power. Therefore, to save SsangYong fuel, it is necessary to close the windows while driving.

Method 12 — installation of fuel consumption SsangYong gas equipment

There is one traditional method of saving fuel consumption – switching the car to work on gas. Such retrofitting will significantly reduce SsangYong’s fuel costs. At the same time, the noise level will noticeably decrease, the exhaust will be cleaner, and the engine will start working much softer. However, it is necessary to take into account the disadvantages that arise as a result of such manipulation: the trunk volume will be reduced, the driving dynamics will decrease. Simultaneously with this, the acceleration speed decreases.

Method 13 — Track the speed mode

It is necessary to keep under control the frequency of the crankshaft recommended by the car manufacturer in accordance with the speed selected at the same time. Movement at exceeded crankshaft speeds increases SsangYong fuel consumption, which is needed for the engine to work.

Method 14 — organize a joint trip

When you travel to work or study on the same route every day, you can always take fellow travelers with you in the person of acquaintances, friends or colleagues. If you divide the cost of SsangYong fuel for everyone, it will not be expensive at all, and you can save great money. The same applies to country trips.

Method 15 — it is important to insulate the SsangYong engine

With the onset of cold weather, it is necessary to take care of good insulation of the power unit, which will allow you to significantly reduce the time it takes to warm it up. After all, the speed of warming up a car directly affects SsangYong fuel consumption. For heating, it is not necessary to use blankets that easily catch fire. Today, manufacturers offer special compact heaters that perfectly retain heat and resist the effects of high and too low temperatures. The use of such devices makes it possible for a long time to maintain the right temperature for a heated motor when you get out of the car on business.

Method 16 — use self-contained heaters

When the temperature is below zero outside, motorists are forced to switch to increased engine heating. To put the engine of a car that has been standing in the cold for some time into operation, additional SsangYong fuel consumption is required. At the same time, a cold start can greatly reduce the life of the engine. Alternatively, you can use a special car fan, which allows you to completely solve the problem of starting the power unit in the cold season. For help in installing such a fan heater, it is advisable to contact professionals, since the electrical network of the car is involved for its operation.

Method 17 — Avoid aggressive driving style

Sudden braking, pressing on the gas, driving jerkily — all this leads to the fact that SsangYong’s fuel consumption increases significantly. To save fuel, SsangYong should definitely reconsider the driving style.

Method 18 — choose SsangYong tires by season

SsangYong fuel consumption is also affected by the width of the tire tread. The wider the tread, the greater the SsangYong’s fuel consumption.

The reasons for the high fuel consumption of SsangYong

One of the main reasons for the higher fuel consumption of SsangYong is the technical condition of the car. The worse it is, the more difficult it will be to save SsangYong fuel, no matter what methods you use. The most popular breakdowns that instantly lead to a further increase in SsangYong fuel consumption:

1) SsangYong engine malfunction: the spark plug does not work, the timing belt is stretched, problems starting the engine.
2) SsangYong sensors failure: lambda probe, oxygen, idle, airflow.
3) The SsangYong air or oil filter is very clogged.
4) The SsangYong engine has been heating up for too long. It takes only 3 minutes to improve the viscosity of the engine oil and ensure the lubrication of all components. After that, you can start at low speeds.
5) Poor condition of the SsangYong tires.
6) Incorrect angle of inclination-convergence of the SsangYong wheels. Such a procedure should be carried out every 20 thousand kilometers.
7) A defective brake system increases the fuel consumption of SsangYong by up to 15%.
8) Excessive external body kit of the car set-up (additional luggage racks, bows, spoilers, etc.). In addition to spending too much SsangYong fuel, these decorative elements greatly reduce the aerodynamics of the SsangYong car.
9) Open the SsangYong windows when driving at high speed.
10) The new SsangYong car «consumes» more fuel by default than the previous one.
11) SsangYong aggressive driving style: sudden starting and braking.

Now let’s move on to a more detailed study of all the methods of how to save SsangYong fuel.

SsangYong driving style

When starting the SsangYong engine, only 3 minutes are enough to ensure that the engine oil warms up and that all the components of the power unit are lubricated. Therefore, there is no point in sitting and waiting, this will only lead to increased fuel consumption of SsangYong. Also, do not believe in the myths that a large amount of SsangYong fuel is consumed when starting the engine.

If you drive at a speed of 80 km/h, you will notice that SsangYong gasoline will be spent much less. It may be unusual for you at first, but then you will get used to it. In addition, it will increase your safety. This applies to driving in the city as well as on the highway.
According to statistics, the aggressive driving style will increase the fuel consumption of SsangYong to 300 liters per year.

SsangYong aggressive driving style

Remember, the less you accelerate and brake, the less fuel SsangYong will consume. Ideally, it is a soft start and maintaining the same speed value. Do not step on the accelerator sharply, otherwise the SsangYong fuel will begin to be consumed many more times. Drive slowly in front of red traffic lights, it is best to calculate and, without pressing the brake, drive through the green light.

When driving a mechanic, switch to an upshift on time. The most economical SsangYong mode here is the fifth or sixth speed and driving up to 80 km/h.Keep around 2500 revolutions. Just press gently and briefly at speeds above 30 km/h. When driving at 3000 rpm and more, 3.5 times more SsangYong fuel is consumed than at 1500 rpm. If the gas is almost at zero, then you need to drive at a speed of 50 km /h and at low rpm, then you can easily get to the nearest gas station.

In the «automatic», the fuel consumption of SsangYong is always higher by default. To save money in some way, just step on the accelerator smoothly.

A sharp start (when the engine is started up to 4000 rpm) leads to an increase in the fuel consumption of SsangYong by 15%. But this does not last long, because the car quickly reaches an average speed. This is especially true for those who pass from one traffic light to another in the city. By doing this, he does not drive faster than others, but only spends more SsangYong fuel.
Try to always keep no more than 2500 revolutions

I notice that many cars have a «Start and Stop» system that turns off the SsangYong engine when stopped (for example, in front of traffic lights or in traffic jams). On older SsangYong models, you can turn off the engine yourself during prolonged stops (more than 1 minute).
When you are in a traffic jam, always choose that distance to reduce the speed as little as possible. After all, a certain amount of SsangYong fuel is additionally spent on each start.
It is better to brake with the engine (without using the brake pedal). Here, the fuel consumption of SsangYong is almost zero.
Remember! Driving in neutral also leads to increased fuel consumption of SsangYong.
Choose a parking lot to perform the reverse driving maneuver as little as possible.

When traveling on the same routes («home-work-workshop»), and if the distance between them does not exceed 7 km, you will have to spend on SsangYong fuel for convenience. After all, every time the car is started, the SsangYong engine does not have time to warm up (especially in the cold season) for small trips.
It is also worth understanding that according to the passport it can be written that the car consumes 5 liters per 100 km of mileage, but know that these values are obtained under ideal conditions. With actual conditions and driving styles, these figures can vary significantly. This is a marketing ploy.

What other additional methods can be used for more serious SsangYong fuel economy?

SsangYong automobile aerodynamics

The higher the airflow resistance force and the higher the speed of the car, the more fuel SsangYong will consume. For example, when driving at a speed of 80-100 km / h, consumption is 6 liters per 100 km of mileage, and at 130 km / h 9 liters of gasoline will be consumed.

SsangYong Aerodynamics

The more different body kits there are, the higher the air resistance coefficient will be. If you hang the whole car with various beauties and roll down the windows, then the SsangYong fuel will be consumed 25% more (when driving at more than 90 km /h). If it has a broken spoiler or other decorative detail, it should be removed or replaced, as it will cut the air and increase the fuel consumption of the SsangYong.

If you make a very high-quality aerodynamic body kit, which is made to improve the dynamics of the car, at high speeds you can achieve real SsangYong fuel economy. However, it is not at all cheap.
The best aerodynamic body for an SsangYong car is a sedan.

Electronic SsangYong

Turn off all electronic devices (on-board computer, stove, fan) if necessary. It may not be very comfortable, but it will save you money. All of them consume energy from the battery and this one consumes energy from the motor. Therefore, if the gas is at zero, it is better to turn off all household appliances before refueling. And in winter, do not turn on the stove in the cabin when the engine is warming up. This will help to reduce the fuel of SsangYong by 5%.
The car air conditioner can consume up to 20% SsangYong fuel
The indoor cooling system in operation consumes 5 to 20% of the SsangYong fuel. This is especially true when driving at high speed. But many people drive comfortably, because that’s what the car was bought for, to ensure a comfortable trip.

Car weight SsangYong

When overloading the car for every 100 kg of cargo, about 10% of the SsangYong fuel is consumed from above. Therefore, carry only the necessary things in the car. And if you use a roof bar, take it apart when you don’t need it.

In addition, a full tank of gasoline (60 liters) adds 45 kg to most of the car. Therefore, it is better that SsangYong always has a little less than half a tank of fuel left.

Weather and road SsangYong

When the air temperature drops, it takes longer to warm up the engine (and the interior). It is when the cold engine is heated that more SsangYong fuel is supplied than when the engine is heated. Therefore, the best thing for Moderna SsangYong cars is to start the car for 3 minutes, quickly remove the snow and start driving. In the first 15 minutes, do not exceed 2500 revolutions on a gasoline engine and 2000 revolutions on a diesel engine.

There is no point in heating a Moderna SsangYong car at idle
Also remember that when driving on a bad road, the rolling friction of the wheels increases: wet asphalt, ice, primer. The more slips, the more SsangYong fuel will be wasted.

And when coming down a hill in the «mechanics», drive with the gear on — this will reduce the fuel consumption of SsangYong compared to a tight or «neutral» clutch. This is due to the idling and stopping of the SsangYong fuel supply.

This is a good way to save gas when driving on the highway. When you drive behind large cars at a distance of 3-5 meters, your car will not experience air resistance, and therefore you will significantly save SsangYong fuel. In addition, you will have to adjust to the speed of the truck, it will move smoothly, which also has a positive effect on the fuel consumption of SsangYong.

But I note that this method is suitable for experienced people, since the view from the road is significantly reduced. In addition, if you move between 2 trucks and an emergency braking occurs, it may simply be imperceptible. In addition, the disadvantage is that the exhaust gases directly enter the interior of the SsangYong car.

SsangYong cruise control

If your car has a cruise control function, be sure to use it when driving long distances. The car will move smoothly, which will help you to save a lot of fuel SsangYong.

The technical condition of the car.

Now let’s move on to studying all the technical aspects that will help SsangYong save fuel.

SsangYong Tires

It is necessary to check the pressure in all tires regularly. First of all, it has to do with security. But here it should be understood that even a slight decrease in pressure can significantly increase the fuel consumption of SsangYong (a decrease of 0.5 atm. it will increase consumption by 5-6 liters of fuel per year). And if the pressure in the tire is uneven, then BMW’s fuel consumption will increase by up to 5%. The same applies if the tire tread is very worn. The optimal pressure values for your car are indicated on the driver’s door.
The lower the tire pressure, the more SsangYong fuel is consumed
If the tires become overinflated, their wear will increase and their stiffness will increase.

Some manufacturers produce fuel-efficient tires that are more expensive than conventional ones. The tires have less rolling resistance, which helps to save up to 5% of SsangYong fuel. To save even more, you can install lightweight disks.
To save some SsangYong fuel, you can slightly increase the tire pressure (between 0.2 and 0.3 atm.). This is especially true when the car is carrying large loads.

Some people like to play trendy wide discs. But the wider the tires, the greater the aerodynamic drag and excessive fuel consumption of SsangYong.

SsangYong spark plugs

Spark plugs affect the combustion quality of SsangYong fuel. If it is not completely burned out, the power will decrease and the consumption of SsangYong gasoline will increase. Check the candles periodically and change them in advance. The longer the candles work, the worse the quality of fuel combustion will be.

It is best to put platinum or iridium candles, the service life of which is 4 times longer than conventional ones. They help to increase the discharge stability and spark separation. As a result, SsangYong candles work more efficiently even with a lot of pollution.

Every 15-20 thousand km of SsangYong mileage, adjust the inclination. On average, this will help save 60 liters of gasoline per year, as well as reduce rubber wear.

SsangYong Tuning

The chip tuning is designed to increase the engine power, but at the same time there will be rapid engine wear and a multiple increase in SsangYong fuel consumption.

If you plan to increase the ground clearance under the shock absorbers or springs, be prepared to spend 8% more SsangYong fuel.

How to save fuel SsangYong

A car with an automatic transmission consumes more SsangYong fuel than a «mechanic» by up to 15%. Therefore, to get the maximum savings, adhere to the following rules:
Gently press the accelerator and brake pedals, do not let SsangYong accelerate quickly.
Always move the lever to the neutral position when stopping.
Always turn on the cruise control when driving long distances.
If there is a «winter» mode, then it should be turned on more often. It helps to reduce the load on the engine.

How to save SsangYong fuel in mechanics

To change gears in SsangYong, you need to follow the following tips:
First gear-departure from the car seat SsangYong;
The second is the acceleration of the SsangYong.;
The third is to overtake the vehicles in the SsangYong cars.;
The fourth is to ride in urban environments for SsangYong.;
The fifth (sixth) — traffic on the highway in the SsangYong car.

In the «mechanics», choose the appropriate gear. If you press the accelerator to the floor in high gear, the acceleration will be weak, and the fuel consumption of SsangYong will be high.

At a speed of 60 km/h, shift into high gear. It also helps when SsangYong has almost no fuel and the gas station is far away.

SSANGYONG. Reducir el consumo de combustible SsangYong