MAZDA fuel consumption can be reduced
MAZDA FUEL CONSUMPTION ACTIVATOR — a device which is installed on a fuel hose of any Mazda car and significantly reduces fuel consumption Mazda by 20% and improves the engine performance. Therefore, with the same amount of fuel on your Mazda, you will drive MORE KILOMETERS!
Activators on MAZDA fully pay off in 3-4 months!
The service life of Activators for MAZDA is 10-15 years.
Activators are installed on all models of Mazda and are used in all types of fuel — GAS, PETROL, DIESEL FUEL.
The Activators are easy to install, they are installed on the Mazda fuel supply hose in a few minutes:
1. Mazda fuel consumption is reduced by 20%.
2. A slight increase in the power of the Mazda engine.
3. Extends the service life of the Mazda engine.
4. The content of carbon monoxide and other pollutants in Mazda exhaust gases is reduced by 30-40%.
5. Stable and dynamic operation of the Mazda engine.
6. Reduces the formation of soot and carbon deposits on Mazda pistons, cylinders, spark plugs, fuel injectors, catalyst and exhaust pipes.
7. Extends the service life of the Mazda catalyst, lambda probe, spark plugs and Mazda fuel injectors.
Mazda ACTIVATOR reduces fuel consumption by 20%.
At the same time, the engine operation of Mazda is significantly improved.
Examples of installation on different models of Mazda.
Click on the photos, to enlarge
ANY FUEL (petrol, diesel, gas), by going through 10 magnetic fields of THESE ACTIVATORS, for a short time changes its structure and properties, and it BURNS more fully and REGULARLY.
Due to this, the Mazda engine begins to work much BETTER.
Usually, it is already seen after 10-20 km of run of the car Mazda which has an installed Activator.
Imagine, how your Mazda engine works with VERY GOOD FUEL …
That is, we have quite different (better) fuel.
You agree that chopped firewood burns much better than whole logs … The same thing happens with automotive fuel in the cylinders of the Mazda engine.
Activators installed on Mazda reduce the density and viscosity of fuel:
1. This leads to the formation of smaller fuel particles, ensures good atomization and combustion in the cylinders of the Mazda engine.
2. The fuel ignites better and burns smoothly, ensuring soft and smokeless operation of the Mazda engine.
3. Reduces deposits on injectors and carbon deposits on candles and Mazda cylinders.
4. Reduces the load on the operation of Mazda fuel supply systems.
5. Increases reliability and increases the life of Mazda fuel equipment.
All this leads to improved conditions for fuel combustion Mazda cylinders.
FUEL with Activators burns more completely in the Mazda engine, does not leave carbon deposits on pistons, cylinders and spark plugs.
On Mazda cars, the injectors are not polluted, and there is no black smoke even at throttling at free running.
Knowing where the fuel hoses are located, Activators at Mazda are installed within 5 minutes (see «INSTALLATION»)
ATTENTION! The main difference of THESE ACTIVATORS is that there are 20 magnets placed in them, which for a short time CHANGE THE STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF FUEL. In other similar Aktivators which can be used on Mazda, there are only 2 powerful magnets which are not able to change anything in the fuel (see «ANALOGUES» ).
When you don’t like the Aktivators, then with no doubt you can return them back within 37 days (read «RETURN»).
ACTIVATOR reduces the fuel consumption of any MAZDA vehicle by 20%. Therefore, with the same amount of fuel on your Mazda, you will drive MORE KILOMETERS!
The operating life is at least 15 years
We produce and sell them starting from 2008
The set of Activators (2 Activators) — 60,00 EUR
The price includes the deliver by post.
When installing on Mazda both the Fuel combustion Activators and Activator Autothermia, FUEL CONSUMPTION is reduced by 30-40%!
Mazda : description, technical specifications, tips for reducing Mazda fuel consumption, reasons for high consumption.
How to reduce Mazda fuel consumption is the main question for many car owners.
The global oil crisis in the early 70s of the last century forced developed countries to think about energy conservation issues, as a result of which the automotive industry made a qualitative leap in terms of reducing specific fuel consumption.
Mazda fuel consumption
However, the problem of fuel economy is relevant for both imported and domestic cars, and apparently it will remain relevant in the foreseeable future. After all, besides the environmental problem, it is also an economic problem. The less fuel your car consumes, the better for your wallet.
You can reduce Mazda fuel consumption. And at the same time, without even resorting to any sophisticated methods. It has long been noticed that when different drivers use the same car, the result is a different Mazda fuel consumption. Consequently, fuel consumption depends not only on the car brand, but also on many other factors, such as the driver’s skill, the technical condition and operating conditions of the car, the brands of oils and fuels used, and others.
Mazda fuel consumption depends on the driver’s skill
To begin with, the more uniform the vehicle’s speed, the lower the Mazda fuel consumption. That is, sudden acceleration and deceleration are the enemies of economy. Of course, there is no need to go to extremes here: uniformity of speed can be harmful and even dangerous. It would not be superfluous to remind you that, moving in a stream of vehicles, the safest option would be to move at the speed of the flow. And on those sections of road where there is a speed limit, this restriction should not be ignored.
When starting to move, you need to switch to high gear as early as possible, because the higher the gear, the fewer strokes the engine pistons make per unit mileage. And, consequently, Mazda fuel consumption is also reduced. When shifting gears, do not abuse the accelerator pedal, because if you press it harder than required, the amount of fuel entering the engine will be excessive.
It’s no secret that Mazda fuel consumption will be different when driving through the city and along the highway. It will also be different when driving on a country road and asphalt. Standing in traffic jams greatly increases Mazda fuel consumption, as the engine is running and the car is practically not moving. Therefore, when planning trips, it is necessary to think over the route in advance, provide for all stopping points, trying to avoid unnecessary ones. However, often a longer journey does not mean a less economical one, and vice versa.
The impact of the vehicle’s technical condition on Mazda’s fuel consumption
A technically sound car will always consume less fuel than a car with malfunctions. All vehicle systems must be properly adjusted, bearings must rotate easily, etc.
Of the lubricants recommended by the manufacturer, the least viscous ones should be used.
The aerodynamic characteristics of the car have a fairly noticeable effect on Mazda’s fuel consumption. And if it is impossible to radically change these indicators, then any motorist can completely influence them. Driving with open windows, the presence of a trunk, improperly designed homemade spoilers, etc. negatively affects aerodynamics.
Wide-profile rubber also impairs aerodynamic performance. In order to save fuel, tubeless radial tires are best used. It is better to keep tire pressure at the upper limits of the permissible range, since lowered wheels negatively affect Mazda fuel consumption.
On-board electronics – requires additional Mazda fuel consumption
Powerful current consumers have a particularly strong influence: headlights, air conditioning, glass heaters, audio system, refrigerators, coffee makers. Therefore, you should use only what is really necessary. But the economizer, on-board computer and other useful electronics, on the contrary, will only help reduce Mazda fuel consumption by informing the driver about current and average fuel consumption.
How do vehicle operating conditions affect Mazda’s fuel consumption?
In addition to the factors listed above, some environmental factors also affect fuel consumption. For example, driving in the dark is less economical. And this is caused not only by the need to turn on the lighting devices, but also by the need to use a different speed mode for safety reasons. The same can be said about driving in conditions of insufficient visibility: fog, rain, snowstorm.
The condition of the road may also have some effect on Mazda fuel consumption. Driving in icy conditions requires increased caution and reduced speeds. Driving on a wet, and even more so on a country road, will also contribute to the speedy burning of excess grams of fuel.
Due to a number of circumstances, Mazda fuel consumption is always higher in winter than in summer. There are a number of reasons for this: the need to warm up the engine for a longer time before driving, the use of heaters, short daylight hours, road quality, and others.
And if it is impossible to completely abandon trips in winter, you should at least remember this so that premature emptying of the gas tank does not come as a surprise.
In practice, applying all the above tips to reduce fuel consumption is, of course, difficult.
The main aspects of Mazda Increased Fuel Consumption
The most likely causes of increased fuel consumption:
late ignition; angle shift by 1 ° increases fuel consumption by 1 %;
incorrectly exposed gaps in spark plugs, as well as disruptions in spark plug operation;
the low beam of the headlights increases the consumption by 5%, the high beam — by 10 %;
The coolant temperature is lower than the design temperature;
movement with an unheated engine;
increased wear of the cylinder piston group;
wear of the crank mechanism;
clutch wear;
wear of the valve timing mechanism, as well as unregulated valve clearances;
overstretched wheel hub bearings (poor rolling);
unregulated collapse;
low tire pressure;
every 100 kg of cargo is 10%; a loaded roof rack increases consumption by 40%, an empty one by 5%, and a trailer by 60 %;
driving style;
untimely replacement of the air filter (it is recommended to replace it every 5 thousand km); the use of air filter elements with heavy cloth cleaners; light filter elements without cleaners are recommended, since the air flow resistance through such a filter is minimal;
problems with the power supply system (carburetor, petrol pump);
the use of low-octane gasoline;
boosted engines with reduced compression ratio;
driving on a highway with a low coefficient of adhesion.
An automatic transmission is sometimes cited as an additional reason for overspending.
There are 11 more rules that tell you what costs money (extra money), as it causes Mazda to consume extra fuel.
1. Anything that interferes with aerodynamics costs money. These are wide-profile rubber, not provided by the manufacturer, decorative spoilers, «muzzles» with «ears» on the hood and other trinkets. Fuel consumption is also increased by luggage racks, even streamlined boxes, not to mention traditional metal «farms», albeit empty ones. In a word, everything superfluous is outside!
2. Electricity consumers who are constantly on are also lost money. Hence the moral: turn them on only as needed. An air conditioner, for example, will cost an additional 0.8 liters of fuel for every 100 km. Naturally, this rule does not apply to regions where you need to drive with low beam even during the day.
3. Warm up the motor to operating temperature after a «cold start». Get moving as soon as possible. Under load, the engine warms up much faster than when idling, and residents of a nearby house will not pay with punctured tires for the morning roar and fumes.
4. Dashing cavalry starts will also not bring savings. Drive off without pressing the accelerator pedal to the limit, switch to the next gear as early as possible. If possible, try to drive in high gear: modern engines, especially diesel engines, allow you to switch to fourth gear at 50 km/h.
5. The engine should run as often as possible and for as long as possible at speeds corresponding to the maximum torque (or in the range where its «shelf» is flat). To do this, you do not need to raise the design documentation and make requests to the manufacturer, just look at the accompanying documents of the car. It looks like this: the maximum torque is equal to so many Nm at such and such rpm.
6. Proportionate and prudent movement saves fuel. Calculate the traffic situation, avoid unnecessary acceleration and driving «at full throttle», take your foot off the gas pedal in advance before a red light and roll over (if the road is not slippery), instead of braking intensively in front of the car in front.
7. Proper tire pressure saves fuel. Check the pressure regularly. Its disadvantage increases rolling resistance (read, gasoline consumption), negatively affects the handling and stability of the car, and harms the tire itself.
8. Running the engine on a stationary car is an extra expense. Turn off the engine in traffic jams and at controlled intersections if there is a decent tail in front of the traffic light and you will have to stand for a long time.
9. The lack of an «economical» mode on the «automatic» is also a minus. Set the selector to the appropriate position for the Winter program. Automation will turn on higher gears earlier. Of course, if there is a special «cost-effective» program, then it should be used.
10. Modern high-quality energy-saving engine and transmission oils (usually synthetic or semi-synthetic) save fuel.
11. Low rolling resistance tires are not a fashion statement, but fuel economy.
If you have carefully read the 11 points, then you simply have to come to the conclusion: before complaining about Mazda’s increased fuel consumption, think about whether you have done everything to reduce it? Maybe your car is in perfect order, but your driving style or the additional canopies that you have decorated the car with lead to fuel overruns?
But if you ensure that the car is not overloaded, drive in the most economical manner possible, there are no additional «bells and whistles» or a roof rack on the car, but there is still overspending, then diagnostics is needed to identify the cause of the malfunction.
Here are a few possible reasons that increase Mazda fuel consumption
An increased spark gap in the spark plugs is a direct way to increase fuel consumption.
Fuel overspending may be caused by a decrease in engine power. Why this happened is another question. And this situation affects fuel consumption in the following way: the car «does not pull», and the driver automatically presses the accelerator pedal with a good heart in order to maintain the speed he needs. The speed, of course, remains the same, but the fuel enters the cylinders and, naturally, is consumed much more.
The reason for the overspending may be the quality of gasoline, and this effect can be quite tricky — through an improperly set ignition timing angle. Everyone knows that a properly set ignition timing angle creates conditions inside the cylinder in which the fuel-air mixture «ignites» and «explodes» at the optimal moment. But it also happens that the ignition timing angle is set perfectly correctly, professionally, with the help of a strobe light, by a good craftsman, and… the engine begins to detonate. No, it’s not the master’s fault, but the quality of the fuel. As a result, it is necessary to adjust the ignition timing angle to the fuel. The natural consequence is fuel overspending, because the fuel-air mixture «ignites» and «explodes» not at the optimal moment, but at some other time.
Cars with an electronic fuel injection system have a number of «diseases» that cause high Mazda fuel consumption.
The injector, due to dirty fuel (or water in the fuel) or deterioration and elementary aging, may enter a state where its mechanical part begins to leak excess fuel from the «closed» position of the injector.
If the engine has a «central injection» (Ci), then the problem may be in the sealing of one nozzle. At the same time, the rubber rings stop «working» as they should, and fuel consumption soars to sky-high heights. Such a malfunction is diagnosed quite simply.:
the cover is removed from the nozzle;
The ignition turns on;
the «FP» and «+B» contacts on the diagnostic connector block are bridged (at the same time, the fuel pump should start working, and the characteristic sound of fuel passing through the fuel line can be heard);
it is observed for a minute behind the nozzle (using a flashlight).
If fuel is dripping from the nozzle onto the throttle valve, it means that there is a problem with the sealing rings. A few drops in a minute is still okay, you can continue to operate the car. But ideally, there should be no such thing, fuel should not drip.
In the same way, you can check the tightness of any other starting nozzle on any other type of engine (where it is available).
Another weak point is the engine coolant temperature sensor (TNW). Depending on the resistance of this sensor, the computer «calculates» the amount of fuel required by the engine to operate at the temperature set by the sensor.
If the sensor is «lying» or «mistaken», then not very pleasant incidents may occur. For example, if the TNW «informs» the computer about a cold engine at a time when the engine is fully warmed up. A computer is a trusting creature: What the sensor said is correct. And with such indications, of course, more fuel enters the cylinders than is actually required.
There may be several reasons for such «lies»:
The engine coolant temperature sensor is defective;
The thermostat is faulty;
the cooling system is «strangled» (an air plug has appeared somewhere);
the radiator is defective;
computer failure.
In addition, the operation of the automatic transmission depends on the temperature sensor. And if the sensor does not report that everything is in order, then the box simply will not switch to an upshift. And «low» gears, as even novice car owners know, do not just consume fuel, but consume it in absolutely incredible quantities.
Another problem is the Oxygen Sensor. This is exactly the part of the car, the diagnosis of which is very easy for an unscrupulous car service technician to make money.
Therefore, it is impossible to say «unequivocally and definitely» that only the Oxygen Sensor is «to blame» for the increased fuel consumption.
There can be many reasons, and one can overlap with the other.
By the way, Oxygen Sensor may be the initiator of increased fuel consumption, but it may not be the cause. This situation occurs as a result of abnormal air intake in the exhaust manifold in front of the oxygen sensor. If there is a so-called «corrugation» in the car in front of the sewer, and its integrity is broken (scuffs or holes), the oxygen sensor perceives excess air as a depleted fuel mixture and automatically adds fuel.
To check for abnormal air intake, you can perform a simple diagnosis. All you need is an aerosol can with a combustible mixture (for example, with carburetor flushing liquid). After starting the engine, the aerosol jet is directed to possible places of abnormal air intake. If such a suction exists anywhere in the places being checked, the engine speed will increase.
Another reason for fuel overspending in vehicles with an electronic injection system may be the throttle position sensor (TPS). If the TPS is initially set incorrectly, then the computer (naive and trusting equipment) will accept distorted readings as the only correct ones. As a result, the following errors occur:
increased idle speed;
incorrect (either early or late) ignition timing angle;
unstable engine idling;
incorrect composition of the fuel-air mixture.
Increased fuel consumption can also be caused by other reasons. Therefore, if this happens to your car and it’s definitely not your fault (remember the driving style) and not the natural aging of the car, then your road lies towards the service station. Otherwise, it may turn out that the malfunction, which was initially quite minor and easily fixable, has grown almost to the size of a disaster.
MAZDA. Reducir el consumo de combustible Mazda