1. Activated water is a multifunctional antioxidant.
On the one hand, it can act as an antioxidant, and on the other hand, it can multiply the effect of enzymatic and non—enzymatic antioxidants: vitamin C and flavonoids.
2. Activated water is a source of vitamins and trace elements.
The body best absorbs those trace elements and vitamins that are in ionic form, so no more than 20% of vitamins and minerals are absorbed from external antioxidants. And living water, in which minerals are in the form of ions, contributes to their complete assimilation.
3. Activated water is an acid—base balance reducing agent.
Activated water has the most optimal acidity index for the body (from 7.5 to 8.5), therefore it is the most effective, and most importantly, simple, means of normalizing and maintaining acid—base balance in the body.
4. Activated water is the strongest immunostimulator.
Dina Ashbach’s research allowed her to conclude that «patients with colds and viral infections who drank activated water recovered clearly faster, and patients who received chemotherapy recovered faster, blood and immune system parameters improved.»
5. Activated water is an information carrier.
Since the late 70s of the last century, the candidate of technical Sciences A. A. Balazh has been actively engaged in bioenergy issues. She conducted laboratory experiments with water and found out that water and the aquatic environment of the body, in particular the brain, can record negative information, and this, in turn, leads to the development of diseases. This conclusion was made at the time by the American researcher A. Bailey, who writes in her works that the mental state is determined by the quality of water in the physical body. In other words, as charged as the water in our body is, so will our mental health. And emotions affect all body functions, since human metabolism is related to water.
From the point of view of science and practice, there is no doubt that the best drinking water for humans and animals is alkaline, because it is not for nothing that it is called alive.
A study by Dr. Otto Warburg (Nobel laureate) has shown that the main cause of cancer is too much acidity in the body, which means that the pH in the body is below the normal level of 7,355, which is an «acidic» state. Warburg investigated tumor metabolism and cell respiration and found that cancer cells persist and develop at a lower pH, like 6.0, due to lactic acid production and elevated CO2. He firmly believed that there was a direct relationship between pH and oxygen: «Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline. Water splits into H+ and OH-ions, if there is an excess of H +, it is acidic; an excess of OH-ions, then it is alkaline.» He also found that «all normal cells have an absolute need for oxygen, but cancer cells can live without oxygen — this is the rule without exception.» Deprive a cell of 35% of its oxygen within 48 hours, and it can become cancerous.» The root cause of cancer is oxygen deficiency, which creates an acidic state in the human body. Dr. Warburg also discovered that cancer cells are anaerobic (do not inhale oxygen) and cannot survive in the presence of high oxygen levels, as found in the alkaline state. After reading in the press about the importance of acid-base balance, many thousands of people thought about cleaning and converting their tap water into living water using a water Activator. Today, every medical journal is full of articles about the benefits of living water, offering ways to correct the acidity of the body. Indeed, we have too much acid in us. The food we eat is often obtained by strong roasting on oxygen in the air – as a result, it is oversaturated with acid waste, which enters the stomach and then into the circulatory system. And then our body does everything possible to get rid of these wastes through urine, feces and sweating. Unfortunately, we cannot get rid of all the waste that we produce inside ourselves. The main reasons for this are our lifestyle, food and drinks, as well as a polluted environment that kills healthy cells. To live fully, without doctors, our blood and cells must always remain slightly alkaline. Therefore, the body performs a certain trick by converting liquid acid waste into solid waste and keeping it away from liquids where it will not affect the pH of the rest of the body. For example, in fat folds, which grow as the body «oxidizes».
Among the solid waste in our body are cholesterol, fatty acids, uric acid, kidney and bladder stones, sulfates and phosphates. The accumulation of these wastes is the aging process.
The chemical formulas of cholesterol and fatty acids — not completely «burned» carbohydrates — are the result of an excess of pasta and bread. Uric acid and ammonia come from all types of meat. Phosphoric acid is from grains (rice) and many beverages (Cola). Sulfuric acid comes from egg yolks. Sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid are highly toxic and are neutralized by alkaline minerals. In the absence of sufficient amounts of them in our diet, the body has no choice but to extract calcium from the skeleton in order to convert these toxic acids into safe salts — sulfates, phosphates, etc. This obviously leads to osteoporosis.
One of the biggest problems with acidic waste is the fact that it increases blood viscosity, resulting in clogged capillaries. That’s why so many people suffer from high blood pressure.
Acid accelerates the aging of the body. Depending on where the body stores acid waste, blood circulation around this area becomes slowed down, and eventually the vital organ does not receive sufficient blood supply, its dysfunction develops. Many diseases are the result of poor blood circulation. A typical example is diabetes, which is caused by the accumulation of acid around the pancreas. Malignant cancer cells are also acidic, while healthy cells are alkaline. Normal cells cannot survive near acid waste. However, some people have strong genes and mutate to survive in an acidic environment. So are cancer cells — as long as the acidic environment remains unchanged, cancer will always recover after surgical removal of the tumor. It is no coincidence that experienced oncologists increase the alkalinity of their patient’s body before treatment, often by injecting sodium bicarbonate. Acidic waste accumulates both outside and inside blood vessels. Waste inside blood vessels is very dangerous and leads to blockage of capillaries serving the most important areas of the brain. The body tries to «freeze» these wastes in the form of plaques on the walls of the arteries in order to reduce damage from them – as a result, blood flow is limited and the risk of brain surgery increases. When we exercise, blood pressure can increase dramatically — and a stroke will occur if one or more of these plaques come off due to high blood pressure and plug a capillary in a critical part of the brain. That is why many strokes occur during exercise or even while sitting on the toilet. And if we drink living water, then these particles of acidic waste dissolve, and we prolong our lives. Activated water neutralizes the acid. It has no nutritional or medical value in itself for the treatment of diseases – but it neutralizes acidic waste in the human body, and they are excreted from the body in liquid form through the kidneys. When we work physically, pain develops in various areas of the body. This is due to the concentration of acidic waste in these parts of the body. We can relieve pain by distributing waste throughout the body. Massage, hot baths, various poultices, infrared heating are all good methods of redistributing acid waste. However, to get them out of the body through urine, you need live (alkaline) water, exercises will also help eliminate acids through sweat. Each of us is a «store» of acidic waste. Symptoms of diseases appear depending on where these wastes accumulate. For this reason, drinking alkaline water gives different results for different people. Some people lose weight, some of them are relieved of gout, some have low blood pressure… If you understand that the «diseases of old age» are caused by the accumulation of acid waste, health improves dramatically and aging slows down significantly.
In order to live a long and happy life, we must remove acidic waste from our body. The best and easiest way to neutralize them and prolong life is to drink Activated water obtained with the help of a natural water Activator.
Install a WATER ACTIVATOR on faucets in the kitchen, in the bathtub or on water pipes, as shown in the photo AND STABILIZE THE WORK OF YOUR BODY without making any additional efforts and WITHOUT USING DRUGS! (click on the photo)
The normal course of the body’s vital processes depends on the stability of the acid-base balance, our task is to help it maintain a constant pH level.
What is pH?
The neutral pH value is considered to be the value of the hydrogen index equal to 7, in the case when the pH is less than 7, the solution is acidic, if the hydrogen index exceeds 7, such an environment is alkaline. The human body also has its own pH, since it consists of more than 2/3 of a liquid in which both alkalis and acids are dissolved. The normal value of the blood hydrogen index in the human body ranges from 7.35 to 7.47. Violation of the acid-base balance of the body is fraught with the occurrence of many serious diseases.
We measure the pH of our body
You can quickly and accurately measure the pH level of your body using special pH test strips that change their color from exposure to acidic or alkaline media. The optimal time to measure the pH of saliva is 1 hour before a meal or 2 hours after a meal. The normal pH value of saliva is considered to be 6.4 – 6.8.
You can check the pH of the body by measuring the hydrogen index not only of saliva, but also of urine. The normal pH value of urine is 6.0 – 6.4 in the morning and 6.4 – 7.0 in the evening.
Violations of the acid-base balance of the body
The most common case of a violation of the pH level is an increased acidity of the body. When the pH of the blood drops below the value of 7.35, the body acidifies and a state of acidosis occurs. With acidosis, the supply of oxygen to organs and tissues worsens, the work of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, immunity decreases, kidney stones form, lactic acid accumulates in the muscles. Acidosis is fraught with obesity, cellulite, diabetes mellitus and problems with the musculoskeletal system. Alcohol abuse is often the cause of acidosis. Alkalosis is much less common – an increased content of alkali in the body when the pH of the blood rises above 7.47. Usually, the cause of alkalosis is taking medications containing alkali. Slowing down the absorption of food leads to the ingestion of toxins into the blood, provokes constipation and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. With alkalosis, an unpleasant odor comes from the mouth and from the body, chronic diseases worsen, the activity of various parasites is activated, and skin problems are observed.
Activated water treatment:
Our body consists of 80% water. And, of course, you can see how important it is what kind of water we use. Activated water has a number of special properties that manifest themselves in the organs of the human body after the water is absorbed by the body. 1. It turned out that drinking Activated water increases urination, normalizes blood pressure, changes the pharmacological effect of a number of drugs, as well as normalizes the work of the intestine and hematopoietic system, slows down skin aging, hair loss, normalizes weight. 2. Studies have shown that Activated water promotes the release of small stones from the kidneys, activates tissue regeneration, helps reduce the amount of toxins and toxins, strengthens the immune system and lowers cholesterol levels. 3. Blood consists of 98% water. It supplies the tissues of the body with oxygen and nutrients, and also takes away the waste that accumulates in them – this is another reason to use Activated water. It is very important to CONSTANTLY replace the water excreted from the body with other water that has undergone magnetic treatment, which has the structure of RAINWATER or MELTWATER. After passing through the magnetic fields of the Activator, the water acquires a structure consisting of individual molecules that are not interconnected by intermolecular bonds. The main mechanism of the effect of such water on the human body is that a single water molecule is not bound to other molecules in molecular formations (clusters) IT PENETRATES MORE EASILY THROUGH THE CELL MEMBRANES OF our body. The cell includes it into the structure of its cytoplasm faster, cell division and growth are accelerated, as well as regeneration (cell restoration)
Based on all the above facts, conclusions can be drawn:
1. The structure of water that has passed through the magnetic fields of the Activator is represented by individual molecules that are not interconnected into molecular formations (clusters). 2. Water with such a structure penetrates more easily and faster through the cell membranes of our body. The cell includes it into its structure faster, while metabolism occurs faster in the cells (they are better purified), cell growth and division are accelerated, as well as their regeneration (restoration) 3. In blood and skin cells, the cell membrane is the only structure serving as a shell. Thus, the water that has passed through the magnetic fields of the Activator, first of all, will have a beneficial effect on the blood and skin.