FUEL CONSUMPTION. Reduce your car’s fuel consumption

FUEL ACTIVATOR — a device which is installed on a fuel hose of any car and significantly reduces fuel consumption by 20% and improves the engine performance.

Therefore, with the same amount of fuel on your car, you will drive MORE KILOMETERS!

Activators fully pay off in 3-4 months!

The service life of Activators is 10-15 years


      FUEL burns more completely with the Activator, and there is no soot on pistons, cylinders and spark plugs.

     On the DIESEL cars, the injectors don’t get polluted, and there is no black smoke even at the throttling and during idle run.

     ANY FUEL (petrol, diesel, gas), having passed through 10 magnetic fields of these Activator, COMPLETELY change its structure and properties, the fuel burns more completely and evenly.

Due to this, the engine begins to work much BETTER.

That is, we get quite different (better) fuel.

     Usually, it is already noticeable after 10 — 20 km of run of the car with the installed Activator. Imagine how the engine is running with VERY GOOD FUEL …

operation of the fuel activator

     You should agree that chopped firewood burns much better than whole logs … The same thing happens with the automobile fuel

Activator is recommended for all makes of cars, of all kinds of fuel – GAS, GASOLINE, DIESEL FUEL.

Activators can be easily installed and operated:

1. Fuel consumption reduction by 20%
2. The power of engine is slightly increased.
3. The pistons and cylinders are cleaned from soot, sludge, slag and coke.
4. Prevent the formation of sludge on engine’s valves, piston rings, cylinder walls, in the spark plugs.
5. Reduce engine noise and vibration.
6. Reduce well CO and CH in the exhaust gases by 30-40%.

     COMBUSTION ACTIVATOR reduces the fuel consumption of any cars by 20%. At the same time, it significantly improves the engine performance.

Knowing where the fuel hose is situated, Activators are installed within 5 minutes (see INSTALLATION)

     ATTENTION!  The main difference of THESE ACTIVATORS is in that in them 20 magnets are installed, which for a short time CHANGE THE STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF FUEL.

     In other similar activators, which can be used on cars, there are only 2 powerful magnets, which are not able to change anything in the fuel (see «ANALOGUES»).

     When you don’t like the Aktivators, then with no doubt you can return them back within 30 days (read «RETURN»).

ACTIVATOR reduces the fuel consumption of any cars by 20%.

The operating life is at least 15 years
We produce and sell them starting from 2008


The set of Activators (2 Activators) — 60,00 EUR 

set of fuel activators

The price includes the deliver by post.

By postponing the purchase of a Activator, you OVERPAY for FUEL!


When installing both the Fuel combustion Activators and Autothermie Activators, FUEL CONSUMPTION is reduced by 30-40%!


FUEL CONSUMPTION is reduced by 30-40%

Who doesn’t love Activators:
1. Car manufacturers and oil companies. Most of the shares of car companies are owned by oil companies, which do not need to produce cars with low fuel consumption. They need to sell more oil!
2. Fuel dealers. Everything is clear, the more you save fuel, the less income they have.
3. Mechanics of car repairs. With Activators, the engine works better. The lack of carbon on the pistons, cylinders, plugs, injectors. That is, less repair is required, and this is a direct loss for car mechanics.
4. State. The less you spend on fuel, the less the state gets from excise and sales taxes.
    That is why there is so much false and negative information about the Activators.


scientific documents on fuel consumption

Saving fuel is a necessary process nowadays, when family planning requires a lot of effort. So, let’s see how we can drive with low fuel consumption in order to drive more kilometers, consume fewer liters of fuel and… fill our pockets.

The engine speed determines the fuel consumption

One way to save fuel is to try to make turns close to those that provide maximum torque. Thus, we will consume as little fuel as possible, but at the same time we will always have the engine at hand when we need to accelerate.

Smooth acceleration reduces fuel consumption

Another step towards savings is smooth acceleration, which, combined with the right operating range, will help us even more. Thus, if our engine develops maximum torque at 3000 hp p.min. then we have to reach that point by accelerating as smoothly as possible. Pressing the accelerator pedal sharply at high speed on the gearbox will increase fuel consumption, so it is better to accelerate by reducing the speed on the gearbox.

Using cruise control will ensure minimal fuel consumption

Cruise control reduces fuel consumption because it supplies the combustion chamber with just as much fuel as needed, not more, as happens when we press the accelerator pedal with our foot. In fact, you can even slow down using the steering wheel button for more fuel efficiency. Especially on long highway trips, the difference in fuel consumption is very noticeable, and at the same time driving becomes much more relaxing.

Tire pressure affects fuel consumption

Regular monitoring of tire pressure plays an important role in fuel consumption. When the tire pressure is lower than stated by the car manufacturer, the tread friction on the road increases, which leads to increased fuel consumption. This, of course, does not mean that we need to increase the air pressure in the tires more than stated by the manufacturer in order to further reduce fuel consumption, as this negatively affects the behavior of our car on the road.

Using an air conditioner and open windows increases fuel consumption

Choose wisely whether to use the air conditioner in your car or open the window. In both cases, there is an increase in fuel consumption, but if the travel speed is below 80 km/h, the most economical solution is to open the window, while at a distance of 80 km /h, turn on the air conditioner in time.

The extra weight affects fuel consumption

If we are transporting heavy objects (tools) in the luggage compartment of our car that we do not need immediately, it is advisable to unload them. This extra weight puts a strain on the engine, forcing it to consume more fuel while driving.

Most drivers use cars on a daily basis. Refueling them is a common occurrence, however, since prices remain at a very high level, it is worth mentioning some ways that will allow our car to consume less fuel. The following tips are known to some, not to others, but few people apply them. Of course, we must keep in mind that fuel consumption will only increase. There will be no magic that would make the car move with help… The air!

Please note that the tips below apply to models with gasoline, diesel, or alternative fuel engines (LPG, CNG). In addition to lower fuel consumption, we will also get lower exhaust emissions, which will greatly improve our environment.

Below are 10 key fuel economy tips that we all need to know about.:

1. The car consumes less fuel when you drive without frequent stops

Use the traffic data around you to reduce your speed as little as possible. For example, if the yellow pulsating traffic light that follows you is off, it means that the oncoming traffic light will soon turn green. Slow down slightly and press the accelerator hard enough to continue driving normally. Similarly, keep your distance from your lead while driving. As a safety measure, you won’t have to stop every time it stops. The car burns less fuel when you drive without frequent stops.

2. Make good use of your time and reduce fuel consumption

As long as the road is straight or going downhill, you can pick up speed and use it on the next climb. By increasing the speed slightly, you will be able to climb the next hill with significantly less pressure on the right pedal, which will allow you to consume less fuel.

3. Remove the load from the car Many useless items increase fuel consumption

Everything that you don’t need and that you unnecessarily carry with you in the trunk should be there… It’s been removed. Chains in summer, mats and beach umbrellas in winter, and many other useless items increase fuel consumption. If you add up their weight, it may not be as insignificant as you think. In addition, if you are not preparing for a trip, do not fill up the gas tank for trips around the city. The more fuel, the more weight. You can keep the fuel level in the range from 1/4 to 1/2 tank.

4. Monitor fuel consumption and consumption

In most cars, it is possible to display the average fuel consumption on the dial or screen. Set the indicator so that it is in place at all times to see the changes in real time. You will automatically adjust the drive so that it stabilizes or descends, and you will feel guilty if you lift it up. It works like a consumption reduction game! You can also see the instant fuel consumption indicator to compare driving methods and decide, for example, whether it is advantageous to use 3rd gear with a small throttle release or 4th gear with a large throttle release at a certain point in your daily journey. (spoiler alert: the second method will probably win)

5. Choose the right one: air conditioning or open windows and fuel consumption will be optimal

Maintaining the right temperature in the car interior is a matter of comfort and safety. But there are several ways to achieve this. When driving at low speed, it is recommended to turn off the air conditioner so as not to overload the engine, and drive with the windows open. However, as the speed increases, the aerodynamic drag created by the open windows has a greater impact than the air conditioner. If we are moving at a speed of more than 80-90 km/h, it is better to move with the windows closed and the air conditioner turned on, setting the temperature to the desired level, and the automatic program will monitor its maintenance.

6. Check the tire air level — it affects fuel consumption

Proper air pressure plays an important role in fuel consumption. If you follow the manufacturer’s instructions, the low rolling resistance will make it easier for the car to move and allow less pressure on the accelerator pedal. What will be the result? — Lower fuel consumption! For even less rolling resistance, you can add a little more air than specified by the manufacturer. Attention! When we say «a little bit,» we mean «a little bit.» Minimum! Otherwise, traction will be noticeably worse, as will comfort.

7. Remove the trunk from the roof, grilles, etc.

Everything that protrudes beyond the body affects its aerodynamics. If you have a grill, bag, or grates on your roof, then you should remove them when you are not using them, as they increase air resistance, including fuel consumption. Especially at higher speeds, they have an even greater impact and create annoying noise.

8. Keep the car in good condition.

The increased likelihood of serious damage is not the only consequence of poor engine maintenance. If you don’t follow a regular maintenance schedule, your car’s engine will burn more fuel. The more formal you are about the service, the more relaxed it will be, which means it will burn less and pollute the environment.

9. Purchase electronic transponders to pay for travel

Just as the consumption is affected by stops and repeated trips in traffic, so is the toll. Especially if it has a long tail, the average consumption increases. With the help of an electronic transceiver, you reduce the speed slightly, the bar automatically rises, and then smoothly accelerates to your driving speed. You save fuel, you save time, while many transceivers offer small discounts when crossing the highway where the device is located.

10. Slow down!

Regardless of whether you are traveling at 130 km/h or 110 km/h, there is little time gain. Try to move at a good but relatively low speed if time is not a problem, and you will see that your average consumption remains in much more convenient figures for your pocket.