FUEL. Reduce your car’s fuel consumption

FUEL ACTIVATOR — a device which is installed on a fuel hose of any car and significantly reduces fuel consumption by 20% and improves the engine performance.

Therefore, with the same amount of fuel on your car, you will drive MORE KILOMETERS!

reduced fuel consumption


      FUEL burns more completely with the Activator, and there is no soot on pistons, cylinders and spark plugs.

     On the DIESEL cars, the injectors don’t get polluted, and there is no black smoke even at the throttling and during idle run.

fuel engine operation

     ANY FUEL (petrol, diesel, gas), having passed through 10 magnetic fields of these Activator, COMPLETELY change its structure and properties, the fuel burns more completely and evenly.

Due to this, the engine begins to work much BETTER.

That is, we get quite different (better) fuel.

     Usually, it is already noticeable after 10 — 20 km of run of the car with the installed Activator. Imagine how the engine is running with VERY GOOD FUEL …

operation of the fuel activator

     You should agree that chopped firewood burns much better than whole logs … The same thing happens with the automobile fuel

Activator is recommended for all makes of cars, of all kinds of fuel – GAS, GASOLINE, DIESEL FUEL.

Activators can be easily installed and operated:

1. Fuel consumption reduction by 20%
2. The power of engine is slightly increased.
3. The pistons and cylinders are cleaned from soot, sludge, slag and coke.
4. Prevent the formation of sludge on engine’s valves, piston rings, cylinder walls, in the spark plugs.
5. Reduce engine noise and vibration.
6. Reduce well CO and CH in the exhaust gases by 30-40%.

     COMBUSTION ACTIVATOR reduces the fuel consumption of any cars by 20%. At the same time, it significantly improves the engine performance.

Knowing where the fuel hose is situated, Activators are installed within 5 minutes (see INSTALLATION)

     ATTENTION!  The main difference of THESE ACTIVATORS is in that in them 20 magnets are installed, which for a short time CHANGE THE STRUCTURE AND PROPERTIES OF FUEL.

     In other similar activators, which can be used on cars, there are only 2 powerful magnets, which are not able to change anything in the fuel (see «ANALOGUES»).

     When you don’t like the Aktivators, then with no doubt you can return them back within 30 days (read «RETURN»).

ACTIVATOR reduces the fuel consumption of any cars by 20%.

The operating life is at least 15 years
We produce and sell them starting from 2008


The set of Activators (2 Activators) — 90,00 EUR 

set of fuel activators

The price includes the deliver by post.

By postponing the purchase of a Activator, you OVERPAY for FUEL!


When installing both the Fuel combustion Activators and Autothermie Activators, FUEL CONSUMPTION is reduced by 30-40%!


reduced fuel consumption for

Who doesn’t love Activators:
1. Car manufacturers and oil companies. Most of the shares of car companies are owned by oil companies, which do not need to produce cars with low fuel consumption. They need to sell more oil!
2. Fuel dealers. Everything is clear, the more you save fuel, the less income they have.
3. Mechanics of car repairs. With Activators, the engine works better. The lack of carbon on the pistons, cylinders, plugs, injectors. That is, less repair is required, and this is a direct loss for car mechanics.
4. State. The less you spend on fuel, the less the state gets from excise and sales taxes.
    That is why there is so much false and negative information about the Activators.

(click on the image, to enlarge it)

scientific documents on fuel consumption

For what reason has fuel consumption increased very quickly? 10 circumstances

Excessive fuel consumption is not only an increase in the number of visits to the gas station, but also a blow to the budget of the car owner. What causes affect the «voracity» of the machine?

Finally, the most obvious reason for the excessive consumption is the introduction of bad fuel. If gasoline or diesel does not meet the standards according to its own chemical composition, then its combustion occurs abnormally. And what if the engine control unit tries to correct the problem and gives the command to enrich the mixture by feeding more fuel. In order not to drain funds into the pipe together with not completely burned fuel, it is better to pour fuel at the gas stations of well-known network companies.

Fuel consumption can also be affected by poor engine oil or its untimely replacement.

The electric control unit determines the fuel consumption

The work of a modern motor depends on a huge number of reasons, the motor itself is controlled by a computer. Depending heavily on the readings of a large number of sensors, the «brains» adjust the operation of the actuators (the frequency and time of the injectors, the ignition angle, the injection angle, throttle opening, fuel pressure, and so on) to the current driving mode. If the readings from any-no-or faulty sensor give out incorrect data, then the ECU chooses the wrong program for the motor, which can cause incorrect combustion of the fuel-air mixture and, consequently, increased fuel consumption. Fortunately, usually if one of the sensors gives inaccurate
Then it is worth contacting the service, in which place professionals consider an error and will help to realize what kind of serviceable mechanism or sensor is asking for replacement.

Mass air flow sensor and fuel consumption

Separately, it is necessary to note the mass air flow sensor. After all, the leakiness of the air supply channels to it leads to distortions of the readings of the real air flow and the actual one that got into the combustion chamber. Hence the incorrect stoichiometric ratio of the combustible mixture and the operation of the internal combustion engine in semi-emergency mode with absolutely all the ensuing consequences. That’s why, when diagnosing a car with complaints about uneven engine operation and increased fuel consumption, the master first checks the mass air flow sensor (DMRV).

The fuel system filter affects fuel consumption

Sometimes electronics are to blame for the increased consumption. A prerequisite may be a clogged fuel system filter.In this case, the fuel pressure drops below the calculated one, and the ECU gives the command to open the injectors for a longer time to bring the fuel supply back to normal. As if nothing terrible, but there is one aspect when the fuel filter is clogged, the pressure jumps with the highest frequency and is very unstable, because the electric «brains» simply do not have time to adjust to the configurations, which causes uneven fuel flow into the combustion chamber and unpredictable (often increased) consumption.

The air filter also affects fuel consumption

Another filter that affects fuel consumption is air. It is believed that the general design singularity of piston engines is the lack of air, which is necessary for the complete combustion of fuel (turbocharging solves it on modern engines).But now imagine how much more difficult it becomes for the motor to suck in air when the air filter is clogged with dust and mud. Among other things, in this case, the engine is more heavily loaded and consumes more fuel. Specifically for this reason, the air filter is changed every time the engine oil is changed.

Release system

In order for the engine to work properly, it must not only «inhale», but also freely «exhale» through the exhaust system. When the exhaust ducts of the cylinder head are coked or the catalyst is clogged, creating a counteraction to the exhaust gas output, the engine has to spend more energy on «squeezing out» the fuel combustion products. As follows, in order to maintain working power, the engine has to consume more fuel.

Piston group

Wear of the piston group is quite common for engines with a great mileage (above 100,000 km). On «sluggish» engines, an increase in fuel consumption is associated with a compression failure in the cylinders. If it is not high enough, the recoil characteristics of the engine deteriorate and in order to achieve the required recoil, the engine needs to burn more fuel. Part of which, by the way, does not burn completely, because all processes are initially designed for regular compression. Specifically for this reason, most age-related cars are getting gluttonous and gluttonous.

Additional equipment

Not all the prerequisites for excessive fuel consumption are related to technical aspects. The fuel consumption is also influenced by the wiring attachments, a strong audio system, lighting and other harsh consumers of electricity load the generator, which is connected by a belt drive to the engine. And the overestimated energy costs of the internal combustion engine for the rotation of the generator provokes an overestimated «appetite» of the motor.


Tires also have an impact on fuel consumption! For example, low tire pressure leads to excessive rolling resistance. And this means that part of the fuel spent on overcoming resistance is not converted into real work on moving the car in space, hence the inflated consumption. Specifically, in order to further improve the characteristics of fuel consumption and power reserve, almost many hybrid cars and electric cars are fitted with tight and rigid tires.

The style of driving a car

The most trivial reason. Active acceleration and braking, but also aggressive driving inevitably affects «gluttony».With active deceleration, the work spent on acceleration is converted into futile thermal energy of braking. Accordingly, the spent useful resources (fuel) are spent without benefit. that’s why, in order to use the «fuel» effectively, we must try to move more coasting and, if possible, press the brake pedal less.

Reasons for high fuel consumption

One of the main reasons for the increased fuel consumption is the technical condition of the car. The worse it is, the harder it is to save on fuel, no matter what methods you use. The most popular breakdowns that instantly lead to an increased increase in fuel consumption:

1) Engine failure: the spark plug does not work, the timing belt is stretched, problems starting the engine.

2) Failure of sensors: lambda probe, oxygen, idling, air flow.

3) The air or oil filter is heavily clogged.

4) The engine is warming up too long. It takes only 3 minutes to improve the viscosity of the engine oil and ensure lubrication of all components. After that, you can start at low speeds.

5) Poor tire condition.

6) Incorrect camber angle-wheel convergence. Such a procedure must be carried out every 20 thousand kilometers.

7) A faulty braking system adds up to 15% to fuel consumption.

8) Excessive external body kit of the car – tuning (additional roof rack, arches, spoilers, etc.). In addition to fuel overspending, these decorative elements greatly reduce the aerodynamics of the car.

9) Open windows when driving at high speed.

10) The new car «eats» more fuel by default than the old one.

11) Aggressive driving style: sudden start and braking.

Now let’s move on to a more detailed study of all the methods of how to save fuel.

Driving style

When starting the engine, only 3 minutes are enough to ensure that the engine oil is warmed up and all components of the power unit are lubricated. Therefore, there is no point in sitting and waiting – this will only lead to increased fuel consumption. Also, do not believe the myths that a large amount of fuel is consumed when starting the engine.

If you drive at a speed of 80 km / h, you will notice that much less gasoline will be spent. It may be unusual for you at first, but then you will get used to it. Additionally, you will increase your security. This applies both to driving in the city and on the highway.

According to statistics, an aggressive driving style will increase fuel consumption to 300 liters per year.

Aggressive type of driving

Remember, the less often you accelerate and brake, the less fuel is consumed. Ideally, it is a smooth start and maintaining the same speed value. Do not step on the gas sharply – otherwise the fuel will start to be consumed many times more. Drive slowly in front of red traffic lights, it is best to calculate and, without pressing the brake, drive through the green light.

When driving a mechanic, switch to an upshift in time. The most economical mode here is fifth or sixth speed and driving up to 80 km/h. Keep about 2500 revolutions. Just press smoothly and briefly at speeds above 30 km/h. When driving at 3000 rpm and above, 3.5 times more fuel is consumed than at 1500 rpm. If the gasoline is almost at zero, then you need to drive at a speed of 50 km / h and at low rpm, then you can easily get to the nearest gas station.

On the «automatic», by default, fuel consumption is always higher. To save money somehow, just smoothly step on the gas.
A sharp start (when the engine is cranked up to 4000 rpm) leads to an increase in fuel consumption by 15%. But this does not last long, because the car quickly reaches an average speed. This is especially true for those who move from traffic light to traffic light in the city. By doing this, you do not drive faster than others, but only spend more fuel.

Try to always keep no more than 2500 revolutions
I note that many cars have a «Start-Stop» system that turns off the engine when stopping (for example, in front of traffic lights or in traffic jams). On older models, you can turn off the engine yourself during long stops (more than 1 minute).

When you are in a traffic jam, always choose such a distance to slow down as little as possible. After all, a certain amount of fuel is additionally spent on each start-up.

It is best to brake with the engine (without using the brake pedal). Here, the fuel consumption is almost zero.
Remember! Driving in neutral also leads to increased fuel consumption.
Choose a parking lot in order to make the reverse driving maneuver as little as possible.

When traveling along the same routes («home-work-shop»), and if the distance between them is no more than 7 km, then you will have to spend on fuel for comfort. After all, every time the car starts, the engine does not have time to warm up (especially in the cold season) with small trips.

It is also worth understanding that according to the passport it may be written that the car consumes 5 liters per 100 km of mileage, but know that these values are obtained under ideal conditions. With real conditions and driving styles, these figures can vary significantly. This is such a marketing ploy.

What other additional methods can be used for more serious fuel economy?

The aerodynamics of the car

The higher the force of resistance to the airflow and the higher the speed of the car, the more fuel will be consumed. For example, when driving at a speed of 80-100 km / h, the consumption is 6 liters per 100 km of mileage, and at 130 km / h, 9 liters of gasoline will be consumed.

The more different body kits there are, the higher the air resistance coefficient. If you hang the whole car with various beauties and lower the windows, then fuel will be consumed by 25% more (when driving more than 90 km / h). If you have a broken spoiler or other decorative detail, then they need to be removed or replaced, as they will cut through the air and increase gasoline consumption.

If you make a really high-quality aerodynamic body kit, which is done to improve the dynamics of the car, then at high speeds you can achieve real fuel economy. However, it is not cheap at all.

The best aerodynamic body for a car is a sedan.


Turn off all electronic devices (on-board computer, stove, fan) if necessary. It may not be very comfortable, but it will save you money. All of them consume energy from the battery, and it consumes energy from the engine. Therefore, if the gasoline is at zero, it is better to turn off all appliances before refueling. And in winter, do not turn on the stove in the cabin when the engine is warming up. This will help reduce fuel consumption by 5%.

An air conditioner in a car can consume up to 20% of fuel
A working interior cooling system consumes 5-20% of fuel. This is especially true when driving at high speed. But many people drive comfortably, because that’s what the car was bought for, to ensure a comfortable trip.

Car weight
When overloading the machine for every 100 kg of cargo, about 10% of the fuel is consumed from above. Therefore, carry only the necessary things in the car. And if you use a roof rack, then dismantle it when you don’t need it.

Additionally, a full tank of gasoline (60 liters) adds 45 kg to the bulk of the car. Therefore, it is best that there is always a little less than half a tank of fuel left.

Weather and road
When the air temperature decreases, it takes longer to warm up the engine (and interior). It is when the cold engine is warmed up that more fuel is supplied than when the engine is warmed up. Therefore, the best thing for modern cars is to start the car for 3 minutes, quickly remove the snow and start driving. In the first 15 minutes, do not exceed 2500 revolutions on a gasoline engine and 2000 revolutions on a diesel engine.

It makes no sense to warm up a modern car at idle
Also remember that when driving on a bad roadbed, the rolling friction of the wheels increases: wet asphalt, ice, primer. The more slips, the more gasoline will be wasted.

And when descending from a hill on the «mechanics», drive in gear – this will reduce fuel consumption compared to a squeezed clutch or «neutral». This is due to the idling of the engine and the cessation of fuel supply.

Driving behind a truck
This is a good way to save gasoline when driving on the highway. When you drive behind large cars at a distance of 3-5 meters, your car will not experience air resistance, and thus you significantly save fuel. Additionally, you will have to adjust to the speed of the truck, you will move smoothly, which also has a positive effect on fuel consumption.

But I note that this method is suitable for experienced people, since the view of the road is greatly reduced. Also, if you are moving between 2 trucks and there is an emergency braking, then you may simply not be noticed. Also, a minus is the ingress of exhaust gases directly into the interior of the car and unnerving the truck driver.

Cruise control
If your car has a cruise control function, then be sure to use it when driving over long distances. The car will move smoothly, which will help you save a lot on fuel.

The technical condition of the car
Now let’s move on to studying all the technical aspects that will help save fuel.

It is necessary to check the pressure in all tires regularly. First of all, it has to do with security. But here it must be understood that even a slight decrease in pressure can significantly increase fuel consumption (a decrease of 0.5 atm. will increase consumption by 5-6 liters of fuel per year). And if the pressure in the wheel rim is uneven, then fuel consumption will increase by as much as 5%. The same applies if the tire tread is badly worn. The optimal pressure values for your car are indicated on the driver’s door.

The lower the tire pressure, the more gasoline is consumed
If the tires are inflated too much, then their wear and stiffness will increase (you will feel all the charms of our roads more strongly).

Some manufacturers produce energy-saving tires that are more expensive than conventional ones. The tires have less rolling resistance, which helps to save up to 5% of fuel. For even more savings, you can install lightweight disks.

To save a little fuel, you can slightly raise the tire pressure (by 0.2-0.3 atm.). This is especially true when the car is carrying large loads.
Some people like to put wide fashionable discs. But the wider the discs, the higher the aerodynamic drag and fuel overspending.

Spark plugs

Spark plugs affect the quality of fuel combustion. If it does not burn completely, then power will drop and gasoline consumption will increase. Check the candles periodically and change them in advance. The longer the candles work, the worse the combustion quality of the fuel.

It is best to put platinum or iridium candles, whose working life is 4 times longer than conventional ones. They help to increase discharge stability and spark gap. As a result, candles work more efficiently even with heavy pollution.

Every 15-20 thousand km of mileage, adjust the collapse. On average, this will help save 60 liters of gasoline per year, as well as reduce rubber wear.
Chip tuning is designed to increase the power of the motor, but at the same time there will be rapid wear of the motor and a multiple increase in fuel consumption.

If you are planning to increase the ground clearance under shock absorbers or springs, then get ready to spend 8% more fuel.

How to save fuel on the machine
A car with an automatic transmission consumes more fuel than a «mechanic» by as much as 15%. Therefore, for maximum savings, follow the following rules:

Step on the gas and brake pedals smoothly, do not allow rapid acceleration and overgassing.
Always move the lever to the neutral position when stopping.
Always turn on the cruise control when driving long distances.
If there is a ”winter» mode, then it should be turned on more often. It helps to reduce the load on the motor.
How to save fuel on mechanics
The following gearshift tips should be followed:

First gear – starting from the spot;
The second is acceleration;
The third is overtaking vehicles;
The fourth is riding in urban conditions;
Fifth (sixth) – driving on the highway.

On the «mechanics», choose the right gear. If you press the gas to the floor in high gear, then acceleration will be weak, and fuel overspending will be high.

At a speed of 60 km/h, switch to high gear. It also helps when there is almost no gasoline and the gas station is far away.